6 Mistakes to Learn for Converting Your Online Clothing Store into A Brand

Have you planned for starting online clothing brand but not confident about success? Then you must avoid the below-given mistakes. It will help you to establish your brand in less time.

  • Inappropriate Brand Name

If your brand or domain name is longer or not easy to remember then, believe it or not, you are losing huge traffic to your site.

Another side, if you consider a small yet meaningful name to your business, then it will directly hit a human’s mind. And once they land at your site, they won’t leave without bookmarking it.

  • Slow Website Server

If you have bought a cheap website hosting for your domain then mostly your users will leave without even looking inside your online outlet.

A good hosting plan will give your user a good experience to explore your website. Also, the uptime server would be fine, so your site would be live around the clock.

  • Poor Catalog Arrangement

Like you arrange the clothes in your offline store, separating by category, size, and colors, the same way, you should organize your online store as well.

It will increase the time spent by each user on your site by showing relevant products from the chosen category or type.

  • Hired the wrong Advertising Agency

A big list of companies is available online who are providing PPC or other online advertising services. But it is not mandatory that all those companies will properly utilize your budget to give the best outcomes.

So to multiply the earnings after Starting Online Clothing Brand, you must hire an advertising agency that has enough experience in handling multiple eCommerce portals.

  • Not Properly Optimized Website

SEO plays a big role to bring your site on Bing and Google search engine result page. If the relevant and trendy keywords are not used in your website’s content, your potential customer would never reach you.

Likewise, off-page optimization is also as important as on-page. So you must hire a professional, who can handle your eCommerce website for proper optimization.

  • Neglecting Mobile Users

More than 60% of the total internet users are based on mobile. Because mobile is easy to carry along, so people prefer to surf the internet through a smartphone for multiple requirements.

If you haven’t focused yet to create an AMP version of your website, then ask your website developer to do it for you. It will give a fast site browsing experience to your customer.