7 Common Problems With Two-Way Radios And How To Solve Them

Without a doubt, two-way radios are essential in industries and work environments that require constant and clear communication. Normally, two-way radios are used in gas sites, construction sites, manufacturing sites—basically, demanding environments where workers that are far from each other need to talk quickly and clearly. Mobile phones normally would suffice to do this function. But these environments are normally demanding, with unpredictable conditions that might hinder mobile phone communication. This is why it is important to get radio engineering services.

Of course, two-way radios are not perfect and they may encounter some problems while being used on site. Here are some of the common problems you may encounter with two-way radio engineering services and how you can troubleshoot them:

Antenna problem. The antenna is the device in the radio that receives and transmits the radio wave signals, basically converting the electrical power of the radio to radio wave signals. In short: if it is damaged, it can affect its function. However, this can easily be fixed. Make sure the antenna is pointed vertically; portable radios should stand upright as setting them down could affect its coverage.

Beeping sound. A two-way radio with a consistent, intrusive beeping sound could be an indication of a couple of problems. It is usually a sign that your battery is running low; best charge the radio to see if it can fix the problem. If it doesn’t, consider replacing the battery itself.

Poor transmission quality. If you are having a hard time hearing what’s coming from your radio, it might be a sign that your antenna is damaged. Is it broken or bent? Antennas can be easily replaced and are commonly inexpensive.

Poor audio quality. Is the sound quality of your radio poor? A common cause of this is dirty speakers; clean your radio regularly to avoid buildup, especially when you use two-way radio engineering services in industrial and construction sites.

Dead spots. Are you being cut off when you use your two-way radio? It’s possible you’re in a dead spot. The quality of radio communication and coverage will depend on your location. For instance, if you’re in an area that’s surrounded by thick concrete, it’s possible that you are in a dead spot. Before assuming that your radio is broken, consider first if your location is the cause of your coverage issues.

Cutting off. Another issue to consider when you are getting cutting off is the range between you and the person you are talking to. Perhaps the area you’re in is just, quite simply, too big or too large. There are two-way radio engineering services that can handle large areas, so consider changing your radio to that which can do the job properly.

Falling out. Is your earpiece falling out? There is an easy solution to this: change to a different kind of earpiece. Another common problem is when the earpiece does not get any sound. Make sure to replug your earpiece before you turn on your two-way radio.

Do you need radio engineering services to make sure your business operations go smoothly? Contact TideWater Communications today and let’s discuss how we can help you.