In the past two years, human beings faced different challenges due to ongoing pandemic. Communication was one of the biggest challenges. No physical interaction due to lockdown was possible. Schools were unable to get in contact with the students, companies found it difficult to get in touch with employees. But like every other problem, humans overcome this one as well using Remote Communication.
What is Remote Communication?
Online interaction between people using the internet and software based on AI is called Remote Communication. Remote communication has many advantages, such as for 20% of remote workers never loses touch with the company, resources are easy to access and use, help improve performance and efficiency of an employee with its incredible feature of reachability.
How to Master Remote Communication in 2021?
Many firms use different platforms to improve the efficiency of their employees at work. WORK EXAMINER is one of them. This platform provides company features like monitoring, managing, notifying, recording, and many more. Features are easy to use and access. The WORK EXAMIN-ER provides a wide range of features to enhance the user experience with a great User Interface. The features like productivity stats to track the productivity of the employee and track the working hours of the employee. One can record the screen with a seamless experience, livestream the screen, get the link to the recorded video, and convert it to a .mp4 file.
There are 3 top workforce analytical trends of WORK EXAMINER.
- Focus on employee well-being, which aims to provide a healthy work environment so that your company can avoid the trend of absent staff based on health. This can decrease not only productivity-ty but engagement with employees leading to many problems. This problem can be solved by using WORK EXAMINER for your company to monitor the employee’s activity, tracking it thoroughly and causing no harm to productivity.
- Work models integration, which targets the type of environment employee is comfortable in. Employees returning to the office due to ongoing vaccination campaigns do not feel eager to return. Hence, WORK EXAMINER provides an opportunity for your company to integrate work between teams working g remotely and in offices so that productivity is not jeopardized.
- Going beyond HR is a trend that aims to limit the tracking of work achievement of an employee not only to HR but even further. WORK EXAMINER provides you a platform to expand the tracking to everyone to analyze the productivity throughout and reduce clutter from HR who can now focus on other works.
How great is this, right? The excitement reaches a whole new level when you know that WORK EXAMINER provides a free trial to first-time users of the products available as Cloud, On-Premises or Private Cloud. The WORK EXAMINER is also available with a customizable Cloud plan where you can customize your own private cloud with many benefits. If you wish to customize one of your own, you can get a reasonable price for your plan requirement.
There are many other ways to enhance remote communication to keep working and reduce clutter as well. With better employee experience, this can go to the even next level.
To recapitulate, remote communication has been a great initiative for human beings to solve the problem of interaction between people and provide an opportunity to enhance and explore the technology even further.